December 07, 2010

good morning, Redwood trees

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Yesterday I showed a horizontal version of this but I think this, as a vertical, is about a million times better.

Notice how that tree in the foreground is growing out of the old stump -- this area was heavily logged for the valuable wood in the late 1800's.   Redwood trees have the exceptional ability to sprout and regenerate themselves.

These fine specimens (above) were growing right along the road near Irving Bridge which crosses my beloved Lagunias Creek.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

And of course, this is my beloved Lagunitas Creek herself.
The white trees in the background of the reflection are Sycamores.

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Anonymous said...

Yep, Redwood trees show their stuff much better in a verticle format. Great pictures.

Berit said...

Great pictures here. Your headliner is amazing today. Reminds me of norwegian trolls.
Have a nice day:)
Greetings Berit.

Balaphoto said...

Woow, fantastic shot!!!

Frank, Barcelona

What Karen Sees said...

Beautiful images. Love the sun rays.

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