December 23, 2010

Cataract Creek and Falls on Mt. Tam

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

You may have noticed that I used Mount Tamalpais' nick-name, Mt. Tam, in the title.   Mt. Tam is what all the locals call it -- if you hear someone calling it Mount Tamalpais it's a pretty good bet they live elsewhere.

Tamalpais is named after an Indian goddess -- Tamalpa.   Some day I'll show you how the profile of Mt. Tam resembles "the sleeping lady", which many locals believe to be the spirit of the mountain.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

But okay, lets make sure we're pronouncing "Tamalpais" correctly -- it's "Tam - al - pie' - us".

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

This is the lower end of the raging Cataract Creek and Falls -- on Tuesday I was up on Mt. Tam at Rock Springs; the source of Cataract Creek.

The creek picks up a lot of volume and power in the short mile or so before it flows into Alpine Dam.   Once the water makes it past the dam, and past another, it becomes my beloved Lagunitas Creek.

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Leovi said...

Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful compositions on his blog. Wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Best wishes. Leovi.

Scott Law said...

These are very pretty. Just outside of Provo, Utah there is a Mt. Timpanogas. It has the profile of a sleeping Indian princess lying on her back. She's a big princess because I'm sure from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet it must be several miles.

Anonymous said...

I like the banner shot. Is it the ocean or is it the sky behind the tree line? You the viewer is left to decide. Neat.

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