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photo by Donald Kinney
It's a bit hard to read but that's Moocher's marker in the distance.

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photo by Donald Kinney
And how appropriate -- Tippy's marker is tipping.
EVERYBODY's marker is tipping.
Notice the cleanly cut pine tree stump? Well, the construction crews are carefully avoiding the cemetery and are doing their best not to disturb anything, but they did feel it necessary to remove three or four pine trees within the 200 foot by 200 foot cemetery plot.

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photo by Donald Kinney
Pumpkin Bird must have been fond of pumpkin seeds. No mystery here...

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photo by Donald Kinney
And most definitely, Brownie is missed.

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photo by Donald Kinney
Hey, there was a tree here a minute ago...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
I guess my question is...if they aren't going to bulldoze the area and do construction, why cut down those ancient trees next to the markers? Seems to me distruction is on its way.
Great pictures by the way.
HI PHOTOWANNABE SUE -- Well, from what it looks like to me, they had to cut down the trees because they will be working with the cranes and heavy steel directly over the cemetery. I suppose they needed the trees removed so they wouldn't be in the way. But believe me, the cemetery is being protected (minus the three or four big pine trees) -- it's the only thing in the area, besides the SFPD horse stables that isn't in upheaval with the construction. They are also working within mere inches of existing human graves down by the National Cemetery where they are digging a tunnel of sorts.
Moocher & Moochy? Same owner, different pets? Wanted to stick with the same theme or simply couldn't resist feeding their pet at the table? We can only wonder.
Oh yeah, HI SINBAD -- I just noticed that -- thanks for pointing it out...
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