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photo by Donald Kinney
Well, I came to my senses and determined that the image I used for yesterday's header just isn't up to snuff so I am not using it today as the lead photo, and am instead replacing it with this.
Often I am the worst judge of my own work -- I tend to get emotionally attached to a scene which clouds my objective evaluation of the final image. I think all photographers (and artists) go through a similar dilemma. But if you missed it yesterday and are scratching your head about the rejected photo, you can click here to see it.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Visions of grandeur, perhaps, but I think ripples and reflections are my specialty. Many people have been so kind as to let me know they like these sorts of photos too, for which I am appreciative beyond measure. Thank you very much -- I have a great deal of fun shooting them.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
I usually shoot my ripples and reflections out on the Lagunitas Creek -- I have a favorite spot (just upstream from the confluence of Devil's Creek) where there seems to be more of this sort of thing than other locations on the creek.
However, the shot above wasn't taken on the mighty Lagunitas Creek -- it's the waters behind Alpine Dam on the northern flank of Mount Tamalpais. Actually, water from the dam does flow into Lagunitas Creek, but not before it is captured once again in another dam farther downstream. The dams provide drinking water for Marin County residents.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Can't resist telling you that one of my biggest laughs I had as a kid was tricking my mother into saying "damn". If I said that word I just might get my mouth washed out with soap. "Hell" was another word she would not speak and I had a devil-of-a-time tricking her into saying that one. But Mom died years ago, so these days I am able to say damn and hell with reckless abandon.
But again, these are the waters behind Alpine Dam -- at this particular moment there were less ripples and more reflections. (If you can't make it out, you're looking at an upside down hill)
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