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photo by Donald Kinney
It's the middle of December now and most Californians are scratching our collective heads about the general lack of precipitation.
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photo by Donald Kinney
The creek is rather peaceful now, but when the storms finally arrive my beloved Lagunitas is guaranteed to turn into a raging torrent.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Trees will fall in howling winds. Gravel bars will be swallowed up and rearranged to who knows where. The trail will continue to get narrower in spots--perhaps this will be the year that parts of the trail completely vanish.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
And with all this rearranging going on, next year I will probably find new favorite rippled and reflective spots along my beloved Lagunitas.
Lets all say it together--"La-goo-ni'-tas". It means "little lagoons" in Spanish.
CLICK for the very "best" of my work on my photo website.
The first two photos illustrate the reason that I introduced myself to Don Kinney. Those two images are suburb! Beautiful work showing off just what is hidden in the Lagunitas .... if one looks for it.
Thanks JAN BELL, old friend, for the nice comment.
Like the photos! The header to day is amazing!!!
Wish you a wonderful day!
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