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photo by Donald Kinney
As shown by the poll (and thank you very much) this isn't an image that is going to "wow anybody's socks off" -- it's more of a "like it" shot.
The danger for me is becoming emotionally attached to a photo, thereby forgetting that without similar memories of "being there" the image may be less important to others. This can be a major stumbling-block when I go to select photos to submit in contests and exhibits. That's why I appreciate your input.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
A foggy morning out in west Marin County. This is the lake at Nicasio.
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photo by Donald Kinney
We call these plants with the prickly seed pods Thistles, but they are also called Teasels in other parts of the world.
Quoting Wikipedia:
In the language of flowers, the thistle (like the burr) is an ancient Celtic symbol of nobility of character as well as of birth, for the wounding or provocation of a thistle yields punishment. For this reason the thistle is the symbol of the Order of the Thistle, a high chivalric order of Scotland.
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