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photo by Donald Kinney
Happy Halloween everybody!
But with the terrible storm in the East, I'm feeling just a little bit more than guilty for allowing myself to enjoy the season.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Not really, but Kitty and I used to ALWAYS go out trick-or-treating.
She would INSIST I put on that dreadful ape costume,
but what I really hated was being on the end of that leash...
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photo by Donald Kinney
As a kid, and really--I am STILL just a kid--Halloween was all about candy. Not that there wasn't enough sugar in my life--I just about sent our family to the poor-house with my dental bills--but if someone was handing out free candy I was ALL over it. Seriously, I would come home with a full shopping bag of goodies, empty the bag and then go out for more. If I changed costumes I could hit all of the most generous homes a second time. Never once did I ever knock on the door of my dentist.
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