October 30, 2010

Steep Ravine area, Mount Tamalpais

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Visitors with a desire for a rustic get-away -- no electricity or running water -- will be happy as a clam in one of the cabins at Steep Ravine, about a mile south of Stinson Beach.

Prospective guests need to apply months in advance, however there is a lottery each day at the ranger station for cancellation opportunities (this is operated by California State Parks).   Rates are less than $100 a night.

Plenty of free fog -- enough for everyone...

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

By hiking up Steep Ravine trail and following Webb Creek the visitor will soon enter Redwood territory.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Sunlight is a valuable commodity here in Steep Ravine.   With the persistent coastal fog this area can go for extended periods without ever seeing the sun.

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Unknown said...

Beautiful! :) Like the first one of the three, its mysterious and really cool!

Anonymous said...

I can imagine it getting a wee bit exciting to spend a night in one of those cabins when a storm is raging outside and the tide is high. Wooeee!

Fire Byrd said...

Oh I would love to stay in one of those cabins, snug and warm with the sea raging outside.

photowannabe said...

Sorry I haven't been by for a few days. We've been gone and then had house guests for 3 days.
Lots of catching up to do now.
Great fog pictures and I love the lighting on the mossy tree. Beautiful.

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