June 24, 2011

yes folks, this is Kitty

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Welcome to MY world -- the world that Kitty rules. Yes folks, this is Kitty.

photo by Donald Kinney

Sorting back through past editions of pestbouncer.com it looks like 2004 and 2005 were years when I was spending a lot of time photographing Kitty -- not so much these days. In fact after about 8 years I have decided to stop "doing" KittyBLOG (((I'd hardly call it writing))). Not that I have lost interest in Kitty -- our love and devotion is stronger than ever -- but I just don't have much spare time to mess with her silly blog.

photo by Donald Kinney

But yeah, 8 years of KittyBLOG. It's been a gas, and yes, Kitty is ALWAYS here -- lap central -- helping me with not only her own silly blog, but all of the other silliness that goes on here in KittyLAND. Often she makes typing as difficult as possible, but in the winter she makes a good little lap heater. Oh, I love my Kitty...

photo by Donald Kinney

Although I don't know her exact age, Kitty is getting up there in years. She likes to be catered to and I'm just the sucker to do it. I am her slave. That's just the way it is.

CLICK for what I call my BIG site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered why there were no updates on Kitty's blog. Well you can just include her in a post every once in awhile as I do with Sinbad. Nice to know that Kitty has a real name with a bit more character even though she was named after a cat food.

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