June 03, 2011

Redwood trees in Marin County

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Say "Redwoods" and most people think of the preserved groves in the Willits to Eureka area about 150 - 300 miles north, but here in Marin County we have our own smattering of Redwood trees -- they grow on the northern slopes of our coastal canyons.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

The frequent fog is convenient -- Redwoods LOVE fog and derive a substantial amount of their water intake from moist air.

The building of the early structures in San Francisco required a LOT of wood, and Marin County's Redwoods, just a boat ride across the bay, filled the need. The Redwoods were heavily harvested but have regenerated themselves somewhat in the intervening 150 or so years. Redwoods have the unique ability to send up sprouts from their roots, often producing a ring of new Redwoods around the original felled tree.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

This Redwood tree seems to be waiting for a hug. At least that's my take on the situation. Go ahead, nobody is watching...

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Greenery for a fine afternoon garden party. Everyone seems to be here...

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Anonymous said...

I am not that generous with a "wow" rating. You got one out of me today with today's header photo.

AphotoAday said...

Hi SINBAD'S DAD -- Happy to get any sort of vote out of you and Sinbad... You weren't the cat who gave me a "stinker" the other day, were you? JK

photowannabe said...

A big Ahhhh...for my beloved Redwoods. I love the fog hugging the trunks and the moist feel you captured.
I think you found my favorite afternoon garden party.

Anonymous said...

No. You are really going to have to work hard and put in a lot of effort to get a "stinker" rating out of us. I usually rate every header shot but there are times I forget. I am easily distracted at times.

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