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photo by Donald Kinney
This piece in San Francisco's Asian Art Museum is a bit overwhelming -- I couldn't get an overall shot of it because of space constraints with my lens, and cropping any part of it doesn't really make for the best photo, but I thought it was so over the top that I had to show it to you anyway.
If you haven't caught on to why I am torturing you with these photos from the Asian Art Museum and others from my "big" site, it's because my camera is in for repairs. I'm approaching three weeks without it and it must be something like trying to quit heroin cold-turkey.
Combine that with the feeling of having my baby in the "hospital", and you can see my concern.
Add to that the price-tag of getting my camera fixed and you can probably imagine my pain.
So anyway, the initial estimate was $201 but when they got inside the estimate shot up to this $649 figure. I have a scratched low-pass filter (((sits directly on the 5D's sensor))), and the electronics are not working properly -- the Exposure-Compensation adjustment no longer works and also I can't adjust the aperture in Manual-Mode. The camera's body alone costs $2700 new, so I guess $649 for major surgery may not be too far out of line -- just a bit out of my league...
I've gotten a lot of use out of the 5D in the 28 months I've owned it -- I've clicked that shutter 106,576 times (((brag, brag, brag))), but of course only a small percentage of those clicks turn out to be potential "keepers". I think they call it "machine gun photography" -- click that shutter enough times and eventually I'm bound to hit something.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
This photo is from my visit to the Computer Science Museum in Mountain View several months ago. I'd like to go back and reshoot this -- the corner sharpness isn't very good and I think I could do better.
One outstanding feature of the Computer Science Museum is that they don't charge admission. I need to go back for another visit -- they've really got some great stuff.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
This is in one of the courtyards in Embarcadero Center. It's another shot I'd like to reshoot -- I'd like to knock down a bit of those extraneous reflections that don't add to the composition. It's a really easy shot, but I don't have a Polarizer (((or a camera at this point))), so I guess I'll have to wait.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Wish I could tell you the name of this building, or where it is, but it probably doesn't matter anyway. A semi-long lens will help isolate them out, but compositions like this are all over the downtown area.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Good luck with your cam - I'm sure you're going nuts not having it...
Cool photo of the courtyards at Embarcadero Center - you've got a great eye for seeing the unusual!
Looooooooooove the FD stairs shot!!
And thanks for the reminder about the computer museum. I keep meaning to go and never find the time. I will, though.
This camera repair costs almost as much as a doctor's visit or any ONE of the mechanics' visits when I used to bring them my old car for some kind of malfunction.
Seriously, though, I feel your pain. Hang in there! :)
The Japanese basket collection at the Asian is from some single collector who left a huge collection that rotates all the time. And let's face it, the Japanese really are a separate culture from everyone else in the world, so that the concept of "utilitarianism" would probably have a completely different accepted meaning for them.
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