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photo by Donald Kinney
Even before movies and television there seemed to be a lot of story-telling going on, and some beautiful ways of recording it.
You'll find this, and many other treasures at the new Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.
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photo by Donald Kinney
I don't get out to Roy's Redwoods enough these days -- I used to hike to the top of the "Nature Trail" several times a week back when I was trying more diligently to stay in shape. I think I hear Roy's Redwoods calling...
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photo by Donald Kinney
Some hills are like saddles, but this one kind of reminds me of a backwards histogram-curve in Photoshop® with flattened whites.
I keep thinking this would make a great back-drop for a movie -- but you know, the last time they were shooting something for a movie out there the whole place was closed to the public and I couldn't go for my hike -- so nuts to the movie industry -- I'll keep the scene for my own.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Above -- some other creatures who enjoy my rounded hill...
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photo by Donald Kinney
Ah yes, the essential ingredient -- light...
Most of these photos are in the Roy's Redwoods set of my "big" site.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Great shots again. I especially like the sunlight on the fern frond and the rays pouring into the silent forest. Good stuff Don.
Hope you get that camera back soon.
I love your banner shot. I like the earthy color but the designs are almost southern Pacific. Nice shots. The fern too.
Ferns and sunlight are my favorites too. Great work, Don.
Lovely. I haven't been out to Roys Redwoods in a while. I'll have to get out there before I move. And joy of joy, now that I'm taking a break from blogging, I'll just hike without lugging my camera equipment.
Those tangled bodies of whatever they are definitely make a cool picture. But my favorite is always going to be the light.
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