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photo by Donald Kinney
O.k;, here's the deal -- my Canon5D is in the shop for repairs and I'm running out of photos, so I decided to run some oldies-but-goodies for a week or ten days until "my baby" is back from the hospital.
The carved crystal figure above is at San Francisco's Asian Art Museum where I shot it earlier this year. They have a tremendous amount of wonderful objects inside that museum and I'll be showing you a new one each day until my camera comes back from repair.
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photo by Donald Kinney
I should stop by Mission Dolores and say a prayer for my most wonderful and precious of all cameras. It's name is 5D. This is an old shot that is on my "big site" in my California Missions set.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Or maybe I'll stop by Cold Steel on Haight Street and get a tattoo of the number and letter 5D. That photo isn't new, but can be found with others on my "big site" in the Haight Ashbury set.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Or maybe I'll close my eyes and try to remember how beautiful the Chihuly exhibit was that came rolling through town a year or so ago -- but wait -- I just remembered -- I can see pictures of the Chihuly exhibit on my "big site".
CLICK to visit my Daily-Duo.
CLICK to visit KittyBLOG -- the daily doings of my cat.
CLICK for what I call my BIG site.
Your comments are invited and welcome.
Hey Don, Wo is your baby? Is that just "slang"? or a human being, anyhow I like your candle header very much!all other pho's are inspiring me too, very nicely done,
Eeeh Don, How are you today?
I am sick ( Flu) and wish me well, I hope you stay healthy!
Greetings from JoAnn/Holland
Each of the four columns has different light. Lovely.
Oh, I remember that fabulous Chihuly exhibit!! I don't think I've ever seen so many happy people in a museum before. In the last room, where he did the "garden" exhibit, people were just sitting around, grinning from ear to ear. What a fantastic, uplifting exhibit that was.
To be completely honest, I went to check it out because of your photographs!
It's gonna be a long 2 weeks for you, hang in there.
Ohhhh poor sorry its sick. Speedy recovery for your sake. Love these archive pictures and I sure wish I had made it to the Chihuly exhibit. Gorgeous shot.
Hang in there Don and glad you will still be posting. I need my daily fix.
I think you want us to visit your BIG SITE!!!
Four cookies. Not too bag.
I need to see a Chihuly exhibit myself.
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