July 21, 2013

exploring the mysteries of nature

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney


click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney


click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney


CLICK for 40 new photos on my main website; www.photoarrow.com.

CLICK for preview of my exhibit at Mill Valley Library during July 2013.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

Nancy Ewart said...

Kitty in your banner? You were inspired! Love it - and I am sure that Kitty, looking down (?) from Kitty Paradise, approves. I give it a 10.

Anonymous said...

i was trying to determine if that was the sun or moon in the first photo!

AphotoAday said...

Hi GREGORY -- that is the sun. I think I burned a hole in my retina...
And Hi NANCY and SINBAD'S DAD (JOHN) yep, Kitty will have to take up the slack because I just ran out of photos.

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