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photo by Donald Kinney
It's actually a reservoir, but this is the appropriately named Alpine Lake on my beloved Mount Tamalpais, not far from where I live. Now, please keep this a secret, but it's along the Fairfax-to-Bolinas Road, which has GOT to be one of the most beautiful roads and areas on the west coast of California.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Water that falls into this bowl-shaped valley will eventually become part of my other beloved--Lagunitas Creek.
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photo by Donald Kinney
And fog is no stranger here. Sometimes it puts on quite a show and dance.
CLICK for the very "best" of my work on my photo website.
If I could view only one photo for the rest of my life, it would be your Alpine lake banner. It is truly spectacular. Plus I had the good luck of pulling it up on Google Earth and snooping around. That's right, sometimes I stalk your photo hikes! No need to worry, though, as I'm stuck in Oklahoma.
Well, thank you very much, Hooly. I was very surprised by the poll numbers -- this is an image I might have passed up, so thanks to you and all for giving me the second opinion on my work.
Jesus Cristo, the whole set is one of your best, which is saying something.
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