October 24, 2008

wavy sunset -- it's Sky Watch Friday !

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Whoopie -- it's  Sky Watch Friday !

O.k., this "wavy sunset" may be stretching the rules about what is and what is not a sky photo, but our sky has been so plain recently that I thought I had to throw in a bit of excietment with a splash...

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Ivar Østtun said...

Stunning. Well composed, great colors. Just awesome. Well done Donald. Have a beautiful weekend

soulbrush said...

i think it qualifies perfectly for sw.

Anonymous said...

There would not be that splendid light without the sky to give it. Great shot.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic! Just a beautiful capture of sea and sky. What more could one ask for, except to be there to see it for ourselves :) You have allowed us to do that in your wonderful photo.

kjpweb said...

We could call that refreshing!
Great Skywatch!
Cheers, Klaus

Indrani said...

I would love to get that splash on me!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is pretty amazing.
Splendid combination of water and sky !

Coloradolady said...

Great photo. Its a great SWF post.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Just sensational as always.

Gaelyn said...

Marvelous shot. It brings back memories of living by the bay.

Bonnie Story said...

Hi! I grew up in Marin and the sight of Mount Tam really does something to me... Thank you for stopping by my Skywatch! Please visit the Olympic Peninsula again - I have to say that it sure feels like home to me now!! -- Bonnie

syel said...

love the composition! the splash of the seawater against the rock and the sunset at the background. stunning!

PJ said...

This is a great SWF post and I love everything about it. I also love the post below of Lagunitas Creek. You know you're way around water

Louise said...

I love the splash. It is well-captured. And the sky behind it is pretty. I know what you mean by "plain" because I just finished a summer of spectacular skies, but I think it really isn't so plain. (But the water is a nice addition anyway.)

Ingrid said...

how beautiful ! I wished I would be there and could smell the fresh air !

Pat - Arkansas said...

The Wavy Sunset is magnificent. Humankind cannot create such beauty, but we've been blessed with a way to capture and remember it through the camera. Wonderful photo, Donald.

Som mine dager er said...

What a perfect picture. I love it. And the colors of the sky is breathtaking.


Rose said...

I don't think it stretches the limit at all...it makes me feel like I am there almost.

photowannabe said...

Well, frankly...sky is sky and you caught the rosy reflections of the sky in both the droplets and the setting sun. I like it and don't think you broke the rules at all. And if you did...big deal!! i like it anyway.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my skywatch photo today and giving it ten points :) appreciate it!

You also got a nice picture there, the water splash provided some moving elements..and love that light orange color of sunset you captured.

Tootie said...

That's an amazing photo. Enlarged, it made me feel like I could be washed away by the wave.

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Wow! When I enlarged it I think I got wet :)

Great photo.

Baruch said...

Well done - I love it and the title is great too.

Unknown said...

Amazing, I can almost hear the sound of the water. Thanks for the comment.

Craver Vii said...

Marvelous contrasts! Near and far, light and shadow, peaceful sunset versus splashing waves... all very good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow that is just a gorgeous shot!

To answer your question about my swf, yes the birds were all gathering in the trees.

Take care and happy swf!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky but even more gorgeous sea.

ChrissyM said...

Beautiful sky the colors are gorgeous but that splash is awesome. This looks like a painting.

Tomate Farcie said...

As far as I'm concerned you can stretch the "rules" as much as you want.

Look at all the movement in these shots.. It's been so hot anyway, just looking at the water splash on my monitor feels good!

Tomate Farcie said...

I will be away from the computer tomorrow but I don't want to leave without commenting on that photograph of my beloved bridge above... Wooooooooooooowow! Yeah, I know, but I had to say it :)

Thank you for keeping up with the daily shots of greatness.

Larry D said...

It definitely qualifies, great photo.

Ces Adorio said...

Donald your photographs are outstanding! Wow. It looks like you had a lot of fun capturing these beautiful vistas. I love the water. I scrolled through your blog. I must come and visit not just on Fridays.

Lew said...

The waves only add to the beauty of the sunset! And your golden gae photo with the blue sky is also a Sky Watch marvel!

chrome3d said...

Excellent wavy stuff. Great colours too.

kRiZcPEc said...

that's an interesting shot from an unusual angle. :)

Quiet Paths said...

I really like this angle what a nice perspective.

Anonymous said...

I like all of your "water" related shots. Fine action and surf in your Skywatch shot. Very nice work.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! This is amazing! You can almost feel the sea! Did you get wet? :D

Jack and Joann said...

Beautiful but scarry! You could swept in the water. Thanks for stopping by on my very first Sky Watch Friday.

Arija said...

Oh, smashing photos of spume, rocks and surfer. All great.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

think it a great shot...the surf, birds and sunset on the horizon...thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment at my blog...have a great week.


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