October 31, 2008

Bay Bridge + sun -- it's Sky Watch Friday !

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Whoopie -- it's  Sky Watch Friday !

This is the "Bay Bridge", San Francisco's "other" bridge, and built at about the same time -- 1936.   It's eight miles of traffic-from-hell if you have to join the commute...

Currently the cantilever sections on the Oakland side are being replaced with a massively expensive modern bridge.   In our last big shaker (the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989) a section of the eastern upper deck of the cantilever span pulled out of place and smashed to the roadway below, killing one man and injuring others.   Many more died from being pan-caked and trapped within the Cypress Structure, a double-decker connecting highway to the Bay Bridge.

Be careful out there on the roads today, folks...   It's raining cats-and-dogs here in California this morning -- fortunately I don't have to get out in it.   Kitty just went out and got all wet taking a poop.   Life goes on in California...

CLICK to visit my Daily-Duo
CLICK to visit KittyBLOG -- the daily doings of my cat.
CLICK for what I call my BIG site.

Your comments are invited and welcome.


Tanya Breese said...

A gorgeous, golden picture! I remember that earthquake, so sad.

Keep dry and let kitty use the umbrella next time he needs to potty :)

Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

very beautiful capture and interesting info.

alicesg said...

Oh a very beautiful photo of the famous bridge. Thanks for dropping by my blog, have a nice weekend.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

very nice sunset and the bridge looks like a painted 'wahtever" (don't know the right english word for this) Any how in my own words ists a fantastic sky Don!
My greetings to your wife.

Do You wanna see more of my Travel SKY-impressions of Portugal? I posted more nice overlooks, please come and visit my blog.

Greetings JoAnn's eyes/Holland
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lovely - very helpful gull, that.

Kahshe Cottager said...

What a wonderful golden sky! I learned about a new bridge too - both look picture perfect in your photo. Stay dry!

Suz Broughton said...

What a beautiful shot! I lived in San Francisco for 10 years and I don't think of this bridge as being beautiful, but you transformed it--nice.

Anne-Berit said...

That`s a great shot.Like your header too,it`s awesome.

Photo Cache said...

Did you see the cloudy grey skies today? I love it. Hope you're having a lazy Friday.

Love your sunset as it reflects on the water.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo Donald, a sunset I believe? I love the faint silhouette of the city in the distance.

photowannabe said...

Perhaps T.M.I. on the Kitty...(:0)
Gorgeous golden sky photo Don.
I have very vivid memories of that 1989 shaker. We were safe but such a tragedy for so many.
Raining off and on here too this morning. Its suppose to pour tomorrow and get some snow up at Tahoe. I'm a bit sad to see summer being washed away.

Neva said...

When I was in San Fran last year...I about died when I had to cross the Bay bridge! I had no idea it was as big as it or a TWO STORY one way freakin' bridge!! For someone who is not a lover of heights...yep....a nerve racking experience! But the view from this bridge is wonderful...or so my son told me as my eyes were glued to the road....

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Don: What a neat capture of the bridge in the orange sky for Halloween.

dot said...

I love that beautiful golden sky!

Ivar Østtun said...

An interesting post. And of course a wonderful colorful photo. Great for SWF. Well done, Donald. Have a happy Halloween

Anonymous said...

Splendid colouring,
in a beautiful photograph.
Those are gold worth ! ! !

MaryAnn Ashley said...

Looking good! There are so many great elements in this shot.. the faint city to the bridge.

Thanks for the gold sticker too:)

Dewdrop said...

How awful about the bridge collapse years ago. What a scary thought! Beautiful pictue. Love the amber glow in the sky from the sun.

duopastorale said...

How perfect with the sun and the bird meeting!

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are terrific - in fact all your photos are terrific! And thanks for your visit to my SWF and especially the link here so I could discover your images.

Louise said...

Great photo!

And not being from CA, I think I would be nervous on such a bridge. I remember the earthquake in '89 and have never like the looks of those double-decker bridges since. And traffic-from-hell makes it worse. I'd be stuck on in the middle and flip out that I couldn't get away.

Sarah Feeney said...

Stunning photo! In fact, all the photos on your blog are amazing. Thanks for visiting my blog too! :)

Baruch said...

Impressive bridge & impressive photo

Texas Travelers said...

Great photo.

The Sun...
The Bridge...
The Gull...
The Bay...
The Glitter Patch...
the Water...

All together in a perfect photo.
Nice colors.

Thanks for the visit,

Jules said...

Wow - stunning shot and the bird just makes it perfect!!!!

Anonymous said...

It took me a while to get past the header photo which is beautiful! Okay, now for this one. I like this one too. I love the color. I like the bird flying under the bridge and I like the skyline in the distance. Very nice!! :-)

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

hi Don,
Well eeeeh I accept 'Kitty ' as your platonic "partner" haha! I understand now who "Kitty"is. Give your house-friend a hug from me:)


The Good Life in Virginia said...

love the shot...love any thing bay area...
thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.
happy halloween.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Awesome photo!!

Celeste said...

Spectacular skywatch shot :)

Gretchen said...

Truly a stunning photo!

Hope everyone is having a very Happy Halloween and a Blessed Samhain!

Anonymous said...

ow that's a breathtaking picture. well done!

Roan said...

I love the color! BJ

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" et Mme la Vache endured that traffic-from-hell last night. ;-(
It took them an hour and a half to travel the 13 miles from their home in the East Bay to their destination in The City. grrrrrrrrrr........

That aside, what a fine image, Donald!

chrome3d said...

A brilliant photo. Again the bridge in a view that I haven´t seen before. That boat in the distance is a a nice detail.

Anonymous said...

Tthank you for dropping by!
Awesome image! I have yet to see a sky with those same colors here in the Philippines. :-)
Be careful not to get Kitty sick.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo - the color glows with light.

Tash said...

Where did you take this from? it's amazing. (& also hot ;)
I bet Kitty would like a nice dry litter box inside! - after all it's NOT a SoCal kitty.

Glendon M. said...

you have fantastic SWF too, the sun's reflection on the water made this image outstanding.

=) keep it up.

Arija said...

Love your thrill for the day with kitty going out! Beautiful shot of the Bay Bridge with the sun above and below.
Do send some of that rain over to me, I could make good use of it and you could go out for a bit.

syel said...

i really like this photo! everything seems perfect! the bridge, the reflection of the rays on the water and bird in flight! stunning!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh totally awesome shot. Love those gold colors.

Max-e said...

Nice shot Donald. I really enjoy the site of those bridges. In fact I have enjoyed going back and looking at your earlier posts as well

SandyCarlson said...

Mysterious and magical and oh so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

So that's why they call it the Golden Gate! ;) Gorgeous - and the bird just is the icing on the cake!
Cheers, Klaus

Ruth said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your pictures make the ordinary look extraordinary.

Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious said...

wow, that's a golden beauty! nice shot! :)

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