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photo by Donald Kinney
"M" is for "M"ary --it's ABC Wednesday again !
Well folks, I'm neither Catholic or even very religious (churches do tend to spook me out a bit), but I DO recognize beauty when I see it... I found this slightly larger than life statue in the tiny church in tiny town of Tomales, California...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
That's very beautiful, and perfectly lit! Did you take it?
What a a beautiful face this sculpture has.
Good choice for todays letter!
She is indeed beautiful. I also like the photo header in your blog! Thanks for visiting Belgrade today!
Good choice, Don.
I saw all your works of " M".
it's incredible as usual!
I couldn't come up with monk even though monk is familiar in Japan!
I'm looking forward to your next work:)
She does have a perfectly beautiful face. Lovely pic:)
I couldn't have said it better myself - congratulation!
Yes this is a beautiful image.
You captured the image nicely here. I'm not catholic either and I have a catholic church and stained glass windows this week. So if that will spook you don't come by :0)
Angel face...
Marvellous lihgt!
Miss Yves
What blue eyes she has!
Great choice Don. I really like the lighting and gold tones in this shot. A very lovely and serene face.
Very beautiful photo.
She looks beautiful.Your photo is great.
Not religious either, but is a beautiful choice.
Mother Mary it's month of the holy rosary too. Marvelous post!
What a Marvelous idea for the letter M on ABC Wednesday.
Bear((( )))
M is for mother too, and Mary is a most lovely one.
Of all the "Mary" statues out there, you are absolutely right that this one is strikingly prettier than others. :D
I like your Mary. She is beautiful much like my Manikin.
Great choice !!
The only Mary I have seen so far....she is beautiful.
Lovely and so calm.
Santa Maria! Good choice.
Ah.. the Blessed Mother! Great choice! Why haven't I thought of that? Check out my mouse!
She is beautiful and a wonderful choice for the the letter M.
I thank you for visiting mine this week! =)
Mountain Retreat- Canada
Truly gorgeous picture! Love the lighting!
She is a beautiful work of art.
Your Mary really is especially beautiful and realistic, and a bit enigmatic.
Thanks for sharing her.
Shalom from her home country.
Sorry I am late in visiting but I was away last week and have only just posted my 'M' in time to do this week's on Wednesday
the statue actually looks like saint therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. since i cannot see the entire statue, i don't know who it is. if you had a full shot of the photo, i could tell you. anyhow, your patron saint that you requested, is madeleine sophie-barat for 2009.
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