photo by Donald Kinney
Well, it has been one year since Kitty died. The memories are still fresh, but this house is, oh, so incredibly empty without her.
photo by Donald Kinney
I had always regarded myself as some sort of private and reclusive person--but that was before Kitty arrived to teach me that "no man is an island".
photo by Donald Kinney
So, in a way I became a dad--doing all the things that dads do. Love became just as important as food, and Kitty would eagerly chow-down on both.
photo by Donald Kinney
My little "helper" at the keyboard... Yes, normally Kitty would be right here on my lap making typing as difficult as she possibly could.
photo by Donald Kinney
So each morning for years, starting back in 2004, Kitty helped me type-out her own blog--KittyBLOG--the daily doings of Kitty. Okay, admittedly our writing got a bit sophomoric at times, but we had great fun.
photo by Donald Kinney
And never a discouraging word out of my beloved Kitty... Her demands were simple--food and love and one lap to occupy.
photo by Donald Kinney
So the story begins... One Saturday morning I heard an excited knock at my door--little Jolie from upstairs had GREAT news--they were going to the animal shelter to pick out a cat. Jolie was only 9 or 10 at the time, but she was quite the organizer--she had already made inquiries on the specifics of what the animal shelter had available for adoption.
photo by Donald Kinney
When Jolie mentioned, among a long list of others, that they had a black and white "tudedo" cat, something stirred inside me and I instantly told Jolie this one would be the one to pick. Little did I know that this black and white "tudedo" cat would eventually come to live with me. As I mentioned, she brought along with her that proverbial little lesson, "no man is an island".
CLICK for new slideshow on my "BIG" photo website.
Ima big cat fan myself so a very nice post. Richard from Amish Stories
Thanks Richard!
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