March 24, 2013

Ghost Tree at Back Ranch Meadow, China Camp

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Being an "old fart" has sweet smelling advantages, and stinky drawbacks.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Time gives us a perspective. Perhaps we knew this tree when it had leaves. The hair that used to be on top of my head--now grows mostly out my ears.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

So I'm afraid skydiving is off the list. So is my doctorate in brain surgery.
Still waiting for that first kist. All other reports would probably be perjury.

CLICK for 40 new photos on my "NEW" photo website.


Anonymous said...

yeah! I never thought the day would be when I spend an equal amount of time trimming hairs in places other than those composing my beard.

AphotoAday said...

Amen to that! ^^^

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