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photo by Donald Kinney
So, lets see if I can save a little face here. By the results in the poll I'm sure some of you were wondering why I would post such an apparently horrid looking image. Let me start off by reassuring you that technically, it really isn't all that bad of an image. The unevenness is the result of the particular time of day--this was about 6AM--when the paper sign in the window of City Meats was equally illuminated from inside and outside. Every defect, including the water-stain and variance in tones shows up clearly--something I could have easily fixed in Photoshop, but decided to leave alone because the stains and unevenness add character in my opinion.
I've passed by City Meats more times than worth bragging about, but I never fail to stop and shoot this and other signs in the windows. Usually I shoot a bit later in the morning when the signs are not influenced by the light coming from inside the shop, and usually I discard those shots--even though they usually appear more technically acceptable than this latest iteration. Its because of one simple reason; they are just "record" photos containing zero amount of creativity. A bit of character perhaps, but even a properly made image of a sign is still someone else's artwork (so to speak). So finally, I think I've succeeded. I put something of my own vision into the image, and that vision is, as I explained, the dual nature of the inside and outside light.
Personally, I think my distress would be of that word "Veal". Knowing how Veal is "raised" even the mention of the word bothers me greatly. I AM a meat-eater, but Veal is that one meat "product" that stabs me in the heart. If you dare, please read this article and you will probably never buy or consume Veal again.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Plates through a window in San Francisco's Northbeach. Hey, it's art!
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photo by Donald Kinney
I've shot the 1/2 rabbit sign and colorful doorway innumerable times. Both scenes always capture the attention of my lens. Half of a bunny-rabbit always tugs at my heart-strings, although when I was a little grasshopper our family raised and slaughtered rabbits for our Sunday meals.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Oh yeah, I am fully aware that my photos of San Francisco could be considered "for the birds". And of course, I realize the one major theme lacking in my San Francisco images is P-E-O-P-L-E. But I seem to have a plethora of friends and acquaintances who photograph the humans of San Francisco with eloquence. Just not my cup of tea at this point.
CLICK for the very "best" of my work on my photo website.
1 comment:
I once got up and walked out of a resturant after noticing they had veal on the menu thinking I would be making a statement. I even mentioned to the waiter why I was leaving. He couldn't care less even if he understood the behind the scenes reason. No doubt our table was soon occupied by the next patrons while we went off in search for some other place to eat. Nowadays, what's the point? My actions mean nothing.
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