click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Okay, okay, everybody is invited to Roy's Redwoods (((with the possible exception of the critic who voted "boring" on the poll yesterday))).
So, about the only reason why a few of these old-growth redwoods still remain is because they somehow escaped being cut down over a hundred years ago to satisfy San Francisco's insatiable need for lumber.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
The Roy Family settled here and operated a cattle ranch in the 1880's. Years ago the Marin County Open Space District made sure the area would be preserved in perpetuity as public land. A fellow like me appreciates that.
The primeval groves of bay and redwood were once the setting for a George Lucas movie, "The Ewok Adventure".
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
It's a fair bet to say that many Marinites will live here all their lives and never realize Roy's Redwoods even exists. There are numerous unpopulated trails to hike, and the best path snakes to the top of the hill through mossy laurels, bays, firs, and redwoods. At the very top of the hill is a grove of artful madrones -- always a fine reward for the somewhat exhausting trek.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
California Redwoods grow in shaded canyons in a thin strip that hugs the coast, starting in the Big Sur area and extending to the southwest part of Oregon. Surprisingly, they get a large percentage of their water from moist foggy air -- without fog they wouldn't have been able to adapt and survive.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Just rummaged through your images and enjoyed them. Wonderful stuff.
These are some beautiful trees. As often as I've been to California, I've never even been to the famous Redwood forest, let alone heard of or been to Roy's. I didn't vote yesterday, and it'e probably good, because that top image - as a whole - is very hard to look at because of the abrupt change in the middle. Taken separately, I really like them both. Have a great day.
Welcome aboard, SILBS, great that you are stopping by.
And I appreciate your good observation, SCOTT, about the distraction of two images set so closely together. I agree...
On my "big" site I used to always shy away from vertical shots, mainly because they just didn't fit the layout, but recently I've been putting two verticals side by side WITH some space between them -- I'll have to start doing the same thing on the blog. I seem to be taking more and more verticals these days -- I find it can really emphasize impact in some situations. Thanks again, Scott, for the great suggestion.
Donald - who could call these boring? I adore tree photos in general, but I really appreciate these because seeing the Redwood forest is one of the things on my 'bucket list.' In the meantime, you've given me a gorgeous closeup view. Wonderful contrasts.
HI JENNIFER -- Yep, the Redwood Country north of here is on my list too...
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