November 24, 2010

rounding 'em up on Mt. Tam

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Well my goodness -- this photo got a really good response on the poll/voting thing.   So, now that I know you like beautiful scenes like this, I'll see what I can do to round some up.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Saturday night we had just a bit more rain, so on Sunday I knew there wasn't going to be a whole lot of water cascading down Occasional Creek but it was chugging along pretty nicely, none the less.

Ah yes, water.   100% natural, and fairly pure.

Exposure time (photo above) was 1/30th sec. F-8 using ISO-100.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Leaves have no brains whatsoever!   They're always causing impediments for the free flow of our beloved Occasional Creek.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Maybe I've never told you how much I hate using my tripod.   Oh, maybe it's not the using part but the carrying part of the equation.   I will do ANYTHING to avoid taking the tripod along, and I've gotten really good at finding suitable objects to brace the camera on out in the field -- fenceposts, the sides of trees, kneeling down and bracing the camera on my knee, etc.

But this image got six seconds exposure -- and that required my tripod, for sure.   F-32 using ISO-100.

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Anonymous said...

Always nice to read your exposure tips. If I see it enough through constant repetition it might just set in with me. "might" is the key word here. Have a nice Thanksgiving Donald.

Scott Law said...

I didn't get to vote for your top photo, but I would have given it a "Wow". I like all of these, but if you've looked through my blog at all you know about me and flowing water. It's like a fetish. That bottom photo has a big rock above the water that looks like pure silver. Hope you have a superb Thanksgiving.

Rhett Redelings said...

You are a master with moving water.

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