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photo by Donald Kinney
The population of Coho Salmon has diminished substantially over the past several years due to commercial overfishing, pollution, and a variety of other factors, but this is the Lagunitas Creek in Marin Çounty, California, where those that are left spawn from November until April.
The Lagujnitas Creek is my favorite place to shoot water reflections, but you won't find a display like this in the middle of the day -- the sun needs to be out and illuminating the surrounding vegetation, but the water needs to be shaded. This time of year that special window-of-opportunity is right around 9:15 to 9:45 a.m. It's a special time of day when I have the whole place to myself... Beautiful, isn't it?
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Quuite beautiful. Love the smoothness of the water.
Hi Donald! Nice to meet you. This is a beautiful shot, as is the one you posted for Sky Watch. Love the fog spilling in, nice capture!
It is beautiful, indeed! I've only recently discovered your blogs and am very much enjoying them. Thanks!
But how do you make the water look like that ?!! The texture makes it looks like "out of this world." looks like an oil painting, especially that ridge wave of the rushing water.
THANKS EVERYBODY for your comments --
And Tomate Farcie,
The reflections and color in the water were there already, but I got the "out of this world" flowing texture by a fairly long exposure -- 1.6 seconds... Of course I had the camera on a tripod... I had the lens (my trusty Canon "L" 70-200 I.S. f-4) set at maximum zoom, and I was using "aperture priority" with it stopped all the way down at f-32, which made that 1.6 second exposure necessary... I always try to use a fairly low ISO of 100 so my noise (grain) doesn't get out of control if I want to make a big print or JPEG. (the lower the ISO and the smaller the f-stop, the longer the exposure needs to be, but it's no big deal -- the camera automatically figures all of that out for me)
Beautiful indeed!
I had to go look up your lens (by the way, wow!), and then "aperture priority," stopped at Wiki to try to figure out the deal with the f-stops...(See, that's why I get the picture of the guy scratching his buttocks and you get the beautiful nature pictures! ;-) All joking aside, thank you very much for the techie explanation.
All these beautiful pictures you put out there every day take a lot of skill, time and patience. We don't thank you enough.
Thanks, stuffed tomatoes...
The pleasure is all mine!
Best regards, Don and Kitty
Lighting and timing.
That's where it's at.
I posted on this today.
It's a beautiful shot, Don. Your skill is showing.
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