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photo by Donald Kinney
Hope I don't get in too-much trouble for copying a Cold Steel review that appears in S.F. Citywatch, but this customer's testimonial sounded so painless that I couldn't help myself:
I had been wanting to get a labret on the left side of my mouth for the longest time. We had just gotten out of court and had nothing to do for the rest of the day. Since everything came out fine in court he decided to treat me out for going with him. I did not feel like going to the shop that I already knew since the previous time I was in the old shop here in Hayward I really didn't like the atmosphere. SO we decided to take a drive out to Frisco. [ EDITOR'S NOTE: NEVER, NEVER CALL SAN FRANCISCO "FRISCO", PLEASE ]
Since it was still early we pictured by the time we got there the shop would be open. He said this place was where he got his first piercing ever so he recommended it. I was surprised the setting I saw. This places is so clean and the atmosphere was just so relaxing and clean. I told Mr.E my piercer what I wanted to get done. He gave me a price which compared favorably to how much it would have costed [ SIC ] me in Hayward, so it was a good deal. I looked at the jewelry and I wanted to get something smaller since I work in a corporate office and well -- you know how it is. He pulled out what he had in-stock and after about 5 min of looking he found the smallest size he could use.
As I stepped into the room I sat and waited. He was so clean he changed gloves about 3 times 1. When he took out his supplies and gave me the rinse to clean my mouth with. 2. After he threw my cup away. and 3. When he was to do my piercing after he had marked it. And when asking where did i want it he got it right on the first mark. As i sat and waited he said I would feel a small pinch I closed my eyes took a deep breath and by the time I opened them I was done. He was real good about giving me aftercare instructions.
This place is the bomb burrito, man... I defiantly [ SIC ] am looking forward to another piercing. I don't know about the tattoos but as I was waiting I checked out a album or two. They seem very cool too..
So there you have it -- a glowing testimonail from another satisfied customer of Cold Steel... Lip rings appear to be all the rage these days, but I doubt if I could ever get up enough courage to have one done, even if I really, really, really wanted one... I am such an un-styleish old wimp...   How about you?
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
I would be the untrendy old wimp. I'm glad I have no desire.
This was hilarious!
Heeh Don,
I think there's nothing wrong with this photo of "cold steel" other people may also make a pic of this shopwindow? (or is it something else...)
I just know what you mean by " many irons in the fire" I just do as much comments as I can but noticed also that my photography and creativity is MORE important, but also visits on your blog, I am really impressed, I also made a 'wood' think I am gonna posting it but neeh first 'that other pic' , do you know what I mean?
I'm just happy that I know your blog, Good work Don!
Creative Greetings by JoAnn
Thanks Louise for your comment -- we are BOTH wimps, I guess... I just don't get it, but if that's what people want to do, I say more power to them...
And JoAnne -- by copying, I was referring to the copyrighted article I was "lifting" from the on-line review. But of course, I've gotten in "trouble" countless times for photographing someone's home or business... I am constantly getting run-off when I try to shoot windows or into business in Chinatown. About two years ago I had a serious run-in with the bartender of the Columbus Cafe, who "put the heavies on me" by thinking he was going to confiscate my camera -- it took a lot of wiggling to get myself out of that one... Since 9-11 the rules seem to have changed, and you've really got to be careful of shooting photos of banks, military and government buildings, transportation systems, and bridges...
Count me in as an other old wimp. I don't get lip piercing at all. I am slowly getting used to [some] tatoos but piercings are a different story!
Thanks but not thanks on the piercing. I don't get it either and don't want that pain...Great testimonial and picture for it.
From 1 wimp to another....
Great posting and I'm definitely out of style! :) I like your top banner.
Trendy old-timer in the Great Fly-Over Land ... one piercing ... earlobe ... did it myself.
Cold Steel has an impressive storefront. Great shot of it.
By the way, after writing my comment about Bob Marley, I realized that I lied by omission yesterday... During my "Bob Marley years" I got ONE extra piercing in one of my ears. At the time, it was VERY daring and unconventional to have one extra piercing. Ha!
"Louis" is equally opposed to (ahem) branding, tatoos and piercings. "Louis" just doesn't understand why anyone woukd disfigure themselves with these things. Telegraph Avenue in The People's Republic of Berserkeley has turned into a non-stop freak show with all these people tatooed & pierced from head to toe.... "Louis" just doesn't understand it at all....
This orange shopwindow is a piece of art! Very beautiful!
As to piercing and tattoos; I find piercing a bit disgusting but I like some tattoos ... on others’ bodies! I don’t think I’ll be enough courageous to get a tattoo... euh... maybe a little and sweetlooking one would be nice on my shoulder! :-)
p.s. I have a new blog ... “Orange” ... Your beautiful Dale Chihuly orange coloured glasswork photos gave me this inspiration dear Donald! Here’s the address:
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