May 06, 2013

Cows and Tule Elk -- Point Reyes

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photo by Donald Kinney

A prettier place, these cows probably could never expect to find. High on a knoll at the northern end of the Point Reyes peninsula. Ocean on one side, rolling farmland, and a long fjord-like sliver of Tomales Bay on the other.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Tule Elks are being preserved here by a program of the Federal Government, and Tule Elk have made a comeback from near extinction.
It would be, indeed, a tragedy to lose such a noble animal.

CLICK to see a few previous posts on the Tule Elk of Point Reyes.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Beautiful and serene creatures, but they are very skiddish. Best to keep a far distance, especially from males during mating season.

CLICK for 40 new photos on my "NEW" photo website.

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