July 30, 2011

Lagunitas Creek, chugging away

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Tripods, oh tripods. A necessary evil of photography, I guess, although I'll usually do everything within my power not to use mine, or pack it along. But for this image and the others (except the last) I DID use my tripod -- good old Stickie-Number-One. My accomplished buddy in Ohio, Jan Bell, will be proud -- he's a real-stickler when it comes to technique.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Most often I can find something to brace my 5 pound camera and lens. The side of a tree or the top of a fencepost or any other solid object works great. Squatting down helps slow our movements down -- humans are wiggly little creatures.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

The tripod is a pain to pack-along, but of course is rather necessary when I want to use a long exposure to capture movement. Extra depth-of-field is also possible with a smaller f-stop. For this I used 1/3 second, f-16, -2/3stop Exposure Compensation, ISO-100.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

And after about an hour of struggling with good old Stickie-Number-One I took the camera off the tripod. With the aid of image-stabilization I made this texture shot hand-held at about 1/30 of a second, wide open at f-2.8. Tripods are great but a hand-held camera is more my style. Much more flexibility and no fights with good old Stickie-Number-One.

CLICK for what I call my BIG site.


Anonymous said...

I occasionally will sling the monopod over my shoulder. It helps. Am looking forward to the story behind your header photo.

photowannabe said...

Terrific patterns.

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