July 05, 2011

celebrating the 4th at Marin County Fair

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Marin County doesn't allow fireworks but that is all the more reason we appreciate the grand show each evening at our county fair.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Chances of me getting on a ride like this would be less than zero, but I was amazed at how enthusiastically kids were lining up for this hell-ride. Some of them were still somehow smiling when the ride finally and mercifully stopped.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

And once again this year I got a big smile out of Rasta-Man who is always at the fair selling Bob Marley related shirts and posters. I let him know from a distance that I'd see him again next year, and next year, I promise, I'll try to get Rasta-Man's real name.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

This year the theme of the fair was the Golden Gate Bridge, and featured various cut-outs to stick your head through, like this wanna-be bridge worker.

And Chef Steve is always at the fair pitching his pots and pans. If you believe Steve, and he is quite convincing, there is no finer quality or better price. He has his delivery down-pat and really is quite entertaining -- oh I suppose he would bore the hell out of the younger crowd.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

So, what would a fair be without a chance to toss a ring towards a rubber duckie. It's always harder than it looks. Nobody was playing. Probably not enough technology involved with the game.

I AM VERY SAD TO REPORT that my beloved "Kitty" went missing around noon on Sunday. By now I am fearing the worst. If she has gone off to die she has found a VERY good hiding spot -- can't find her anywhere. My heart is filled with grief -- to be honest I am absolutely devastated. I'll be okay, I suppose, but I thank you in advance for your concern and sympathy.

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Anonymous said...

Oh Don. All my comment ideas fell away when I read about Kitty. I am so sorry for you. I have been in this terrible place myself many times and know how much you are hurting right now. Your only comfort lies in the thought that she may have done just as you said, to make it easy for you both. I fear more than anything else in life, the day when I lose my beloved Sinbad. I do not know if I will survive that. My thoughts are with you. Lets hope some early fireworks scared her away and she will soon return home.

AphotoAday said...

Thank you, SINBAD'S DAD for the sentiments. I really appreciate it. I'll be okay, I suppose.

Civic Center said...

Jeeezus, that's awful. I'll say a prayer, dude.

AphotoAday said...

Thanks Mike, I really appreciate it.
I'll be okay and I think I'll survive the self-pity. But that cat was really good to me -- never have I received so much love from any warm-blooded animal. First thing she would do in the morning would be to come over and give me a nose-lick -- her version of a kiss... Then we would go out into the kitchen and work together (((at 4:30am))) on the blog. Kitty insisted most of the time that she sit on my lap and help me with my spelling. I'm really going to miss her.

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