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photo by Donald Kinney
Well, you're no longer going to find a launch for hire at the end of this pier. It's now a private residence with a beautiful plywood door. You'll find this view along Sir Francis Drake Bouleverd, on the western shores of Tomales Bay, in the general vicinity of Inverness, California.
Keep your eyes open for the old beached fishing boat out in back of the general store.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Frontal view of same building.
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photo by Donald Kinney
This is the Dacha where the Lypinski family lives. The detail on the structure is absolutely amazing.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Via the Wikipedia I've learned that Dacha is a Russian word for seasonal or year-round second homes often located in the exurbs of Soviet and Russian cities. In some cases, they are occupied for part of the year by their owners and rented out to urban residents as summer retreats. Dachas are very common in Russia, and are also widespread in some other former republics of the Soviet Union.
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photo by Donald Kinney
If you lived in Inverness you would be waking up to this view...
Point Reyes National Seashore would be out your backdoor, and a long white beach named Limintour would be just to the west...
You could go into Point Reyes Station town -- the nearest (two-block-long) metropolis -- or you could hike along the San Andreas faultline... The southern tip of Tomales Bay is where the faultline emerges from the water -- it runs due south for about seven miles before it goes back into the water at the Bolinas Lagoon.
I recomend the eight mile (round-trip) hike out through Bear Valley all the way to the sea -- it's just about as far away from civilization as a person can get!
Lets see -- how about a cruise up the coast on Highway One? Don't forget to stop for oysters...
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Down by the dasha, close by the mill. Either you are a genius or you have lots of time and a very good camera. Maybe all three.
HI MARC -- Gee, I don't know what to say -- I have no control over this -- it's just what I do... I'm just attempting to have the most fun I possibly can have... Dog off a leash...
Don, you make me want to jump in the car and come and explore this area. How lovely and surreal. Love the Dacha. So much elegant gingerbread to see. I saw some of those when I was in Uzbekistan. Only the very rich could afford them (which were few and very far between).
Yes, I could live there...any of those places. Probably even the marsh!
ack, google reader ate your rss feed. i just realized it was missing :) glad i could remember your blog name!
Anyway, all fixed, and you are whetting my appetite to head north for a day to see what I can see. It's all still green up there. Nice!
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