April 11, 2011

Gate Five, Sausalito, California

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Gate Five, Sausalito, California

A funky houseboat community of free-thinkers and a refuge for lost souls...

This is a relic of the '50's and '60's, and time has a way of passing, so here we are today -- not too much different than yesterday.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Visual arts are very important in a free-thinking community like Gate Five.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Here's about all that's left of the Charles VanDamme, a paddle-wheeler that did duty as a passenger and auto ferry on San Francisco Bay.

photo and info courtesy pilfered from http://www.rbma.net/vanDamme.html

This 1916 ferry boat was originally built to carry cars from Marin to Richmond. Later she worked the Martinez-Benicia run and in 1958 was converted into a restaurant at Jack London Square. In 1959 Donlon Arques bought her at auction and brought her to her final resting place at Gate 6 in Sausalito. Here she become home to Juanita’s Kitchen and the infamous “Ark”.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Gate Five's mailboxes sort of sum up everyone's individuality -- no two are quite alike.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Best time to roam around Gate Five would be EARLY. Two visits ago a darn dog -- Gate Five's mascot -- started following me on the catwalks while barking and growling at me, effectively warding me out of the area.

Visitors resembling tourists and goofy photogs are regarded with suspicion by the local houseboaters -- some are rather private people.

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Anonymous said...

I like the water shot. Next time, bring dog bisquits.

AphotoAday said...

Thanks SINBAD'S DAD, and good idea about the dog bisquits... If I took some beer and "lefty-luckies" I suppose I could even muster up an early morning party... (j.k. of course)

Tomate Farcie said...

A good time to go is when they have a houseboat for sale. Then, they'll let you wander and look inside.

I love the mailbox shot.

Anonymous said...

Late 70's I was roaming the docks and was just amazed by that old paddlewheeler. Saw a fella bout midships building a guitar and wanted to ask could I come on board but didn't want to intrude... been wonderin ever since.

Anonymous said...

Wow... Juanita just passed away in February 2011


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