click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Recently I bought a pair of rubber boots and on Saturday I got to try them out at my beloved Roy's Redwoods, a delightful redwood studded area that has to be one of Marin County's best kept secrets.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
With all this recent rain, streams and rivulets abound. Normally, at this time of year people and animals are advised to stay out of the creeks -- vulnerable Coho Salmon eggs can be disturbed and crushed, but "progress" downstream from Roy's Redwoods has now made it impossible for the Salmon reach this area for spawning, so it was o.k. for me to go sloshing around -- crossing creeks that would normally have stopped me. It was all great fun.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
"Sinbad's Dad" had a great name suggestion yesterday -- I could call the next "Un-named" or "Occasional" creek that I found "Every-once-in-a-while" creek. So there you go, a suitable name for this little creek that is normally dry as a bone.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
An even nicer view, I think, of "Every-once-in-a-while" creek.
For this shot I was using my old funky tripod -- "old Sticky" -- and it's the first time I've made a shot by standing directly in the creek. It was all great fun. Once a kid, always a kid, I suppose...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Oh! how lovely to see green growth!!!! just another gray day with cold north winds....and worst of all my blog is out of order....the images will not up-load....What to do????? if you had this experience, I would appreciate some tips....Thanks!!!!!
That's a great series of shots. Love the soft water. What's with the rating system? It is a bit askew. I "liked" the banner shot but that rating is midway with "its okay" higher up on the scale. Messes up my head when I'm faced with something out of the norm early in the morning.
Hi "YOU CAN NEVER TAKE TOO MANY PICTURES" and sorry I can't tell why you are having problems uploading images to Blogger... They way I do my photos is to upload them to my server (hosting company) and then use the URL in the post... There are free places where you can upload your photos so you can obtain a URL, such as Tiny-Pix...
And yes, SINBAD'S DAD -- I messed up on the rating order this morning... I do this early in he morning and I was still half asleep... Got home from a little morning excursion and noticed the error -- I added a note... Thanks for your continued support and encouragement... Hope you are enjoying that new 70-300 on your Nikon...
I guess I could tell you to "grow up", but what would be the fun in that. Nice series in this post - as usual.
Nice shots! I like them!
Have a great day! :-)
Like the soft water flowing shots.
Happy you got to go play in the water. Boots seem to bring out the kid in us.
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