February 25, 2011

good morning, on a grand style

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

It's always different, but generally there is a bit of drama in the morning sky over San Francisco.   (((hmmm)))

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

The twenty minutes or so before the sun appears is usually when most of the excitement happens.   Sometimes it can be quite a scramble to get in position in time.   (((yawn)))

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

And generally the sun appears -- unless it's a rainy day like today.   I think I may just go back to bed this morning and catch up on a bit of sleep.   (((zzzzz)))

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Anonymous said...

Why would someone think that cloudy shot of SF was boring? I think you have people out there just messing with your survey.

AphotoAday said...

Hi SINBAD'S DAD -- well thank for defending that shot... I like it -- don't know if I wold have "wowed" it myself if I allowed myself to vote, but yeah, the "boring" vote on this shot did sort of take me by surprise...

I noticed a comment from "TOMATO" that she couldn't understand why someone would rate that shot as boring (she had a neat way of expressing it in yesterday's comments), so I thank both of you for restoring a bit of my confidence...

Got me to thinking about what type of person would rate the photo as "boring"... My first thought was that it might be someone with very high standards, but more realistically it was probably someone who hasn't experienced much of life... Probably all they know is the excitement of their little lives, in their little rooms, in their little worlds... Kids these days need constant glitz and noise... If things stop moving they get instantly bored and really don't have a clue how to get themselves elevated out of the situation... They can't appreciate beauty -- just listen to the crap music they listen to... Everything either must be electronic or have a gas pedal... I blame their parents -- who are probably in the same mode where everything has to be ritzy and glitzy... They just can't appreciate beauty or nature -- and out of it all they somehow assume they are critics...

But again, let me say that I have never gotten negative criticism from anyone that I didn't either deserve or appreciate... Sometimes I need to get my ears pinned back... It's good for my soul... Makes me work all that much harder...

And I'm getting a lot out of the rating system... Not just for my ego, but it's a way to evaluate my photos without my own prejudices and familiarity skewing the actual worth of a photo... For instance, a while back I posted a photo of a fog shrouded "tree tunnel" out at Point Reyes and I have never seen such an overwhelming response of people who either "wowed" it or "liked it"... Personally I didn't think that much of the image, but because of the response I'm probably going to include it with my selections this year for the Marin Çounty Fair photo exhibit... Probably not an image I would have selected on my own...

So, I thank you one and all... I know I'm going to strike out occasionally -- oh, I think I've gotten a couple "stinks" ratings -- but probably deserved them... I really don't think anyone is messing with the polling -- just a case of someone who doesn't know what beauty is...

Berit said...

Wow, great shots Donald. Wish I was there:)
Have a nice weekend.

photowannabe said...

I don't think I have seen a picture of yours that I would rate as boring.
You know I'm one of your biggest fans.
I hope you win lots of awards at the Marin Fair....so there!!

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