February 18, 2011

a short tour of Marin County

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

On the right is the mountain with two names -- it's Black Mountain on the map, but most folks with a bit of imagination call it Elephant Mountain.   But sorry -- only part of the elephant is showing in this photo.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

That's my beloved Mount Tamalpais in the background, and of course my equally beloved weeds and stickers in the foreground.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

We had rain in December, very little in January, and now we're catching up on our quota with some rip-roaring storms.   Trying to find a few photos in this kind of weather can be a bit of a challenge but this snap in Sausalito was an easy snag.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

And of course, this time of year shadows can grow quite long.

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Anonymous said...

The couple by the water would make a great banner shot.

Scott Law said...

I like this post. Interesting photos that kept my attention.

Luzia said...

Super image from the couple on the waterline! Hugs from Luzia.

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