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photo by Donald Kinney
We have a secret place here in west Marin County -- Roy's Redwoods -- and shame on them; many "locals" either don't know about the place or haven't explored all of it's beauty.
There is not much of a sign and the place is a bit hidden -- people pass by on the San Geronimo to Nicasio Road and never notice it's there.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Hey, but I'm not trying to make Roy's Redwoods any more popular by advertising it to the world, because I enjoy being there, totally alone.
A feeling of grandeur is likely -- the place becomes my own.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
These photos were taken along what they call the "Nature Trail", but there are no signs explaining the various features so you sort of have to make up your own narrative. That could be Jack's bean-stalk, don't you think?
CLICK for a collection of previous posts I have done on Roys Redwoods.
CLICK for 30 Roy's Redwoods images on what I call my "Big" site.
CLICK to visit my Daily-Duo.
CLICK to visit KittyBLOG -- the daily doings of my cat.
CLICK for what I call my BIG site.
Your comments are invited and welcome.
This is so beautiful! And its sad that there are so many locals who don't know about this! People should take advantage of the natural beauty that is around them! You're right; shame on them! But, kudos to you for taking advantage of the sight and for capturing the moment for all of us :)
I'll bet your narrative is far better than any old one from some book.
So lush and welcoming. I hope it stays your secret place Don.
Donald, what a treat, all of these photos. The grass photos are gorgeous. The forest. Very nice. And you are so prolific!
And Emmy, I probably shouldn't be too critical of Marin County residents not knowing about Roy's Redwoods -- after all they have jobs and busy lives to lead. Hopefully they'll find the place eventually.
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