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photo by Donald Kinney
We have some very fine art museums in the City, but I think some highly artful subjects are tucked away, largely undiscovered, in the canyons and streams of our beloved Marin County.
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photo by Donald Kinney
An art critic could probably wax poetically about the drama going on in the water -- but do we really need an explanation?
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Others would surely be captivated and entranced if they ever saw the display of color in person. The venerable phrase "far-out" might be bandied about.
I think I've mentioned this before, but to get these reflections the creek must be in shade, with the sun behind you illuminating a bit of the surrounding foliage -- early or late in the day is usually best.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Too late to save a drowning leaf -- I'm afraid it's a gonner...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
The first one is my favorite. The stuff of life, truly.
Hey, any hints on which of your beautiful images got into the fair this year??
OH HI RHETT -- Yeah I like that first shot too...
And I only succeeded this year in getting two prints accepted for hanging -- a shot of the GG Bridge with an artful power-line in the foreground, and the other print is some streaming sunlight over Alpine Lake. I probably could have made better choices but I'm happy that at least two made it in. I think I'll be showing the images that didn't make it in a week or so, along with the two that did. Will be fun, as usual, to see what everybody came up with.
Lagunitas .... our beloved creek. We should write a song about the tranquility of the creek the next time we meet .... how it meanders, the quiet sound of the ripples, the patterns that form from the flowing water.
Jan Bell
With over 900 entries and only 1/3 getting selected, I'd say you did pretty well getting two entries in.
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