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photo by Donald Kinney
One of my favorite things to do on Sunday is go over to the Northbeach and Chinatown areas of San Francisco and spook around.
I go early because even though parking if free, parking gets tight after 8AM. I usually park on Columbus a block down from the Washington Square and Peter-and-Paul's Church area. Hey everybody --this is an open invitation -- if you are ever in Northbeach or Chinatown some Sunday morning we could probably pretty easily track each other down. I could buy you a cup of coffee at Cafe Trieste or something.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Maybe just because San Francisco is so small and compact is why it has so many sidewalks. Hardest sidewalks I know. They eat shoes.
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photo by Donald Kinney
I usually steer clear of the 500 block of Green Street. Bright and early on New Year's Day about 5 years ago, the bartender at Columbus Cafe came outside and hassled me for taking photos of his dirty stinking dive. He wanted to confiscate my camera and everything. I think he just wanted to mess with me. I'd rather not run into that jerk again, so like I mentioned -- I steer clear of the 500 block of Green Street .
Now get this -- the bartender wanted to see my "permit" to take pictures, and when I couldn't produce a permit he said he was going to have to confiscate my camera. I told him he could call the police if he wanted to, and we went around and around, and finally I managed to get out of there without the whole thing escalating into some sort of brawl, but one thing for sure -- he wasn't going to get my camera unless he pulled a gun or a knife...
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photo courtesy Marin Independent Journal
This is on "upper Grant Street, up in the direction of Coit Tower. It has all sorts of funky shops, restaurants, all sorts of photogenic stuff, and even an art gallery with the funny name of "Live Worms".
These two photos aren't new, but CLICK for a shot of a music store, and CLICK for a shot of a mural.
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photo by Donald Kinney
I think I could think of a few rather suggestive things to say about this painting, but lets just enjoy it, shant we? Don't you love the color of that dress?
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
This new delicatessen might be a bit late with their grand-opening, and it looks like the proprietor might need an extra hand in the kitchen when and if he does open...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
I think the owner of the delicatessen might need some help with his marketing as well!
There is, somewhere on the net, a concise copy of the photographer's rights. I keep meaning to print up a copy to carry with me. In any case, when hassled for taking photos from the sidewalk of building and such, I've pulled out my phone and offered to call the police. "Let's call the police. Obviously, you're concerned and upset and maybe we should just let them sort it out. I'm gonna call them. Hang on a sec..." I've never once had someone call my bluff. Of course, I'm not actually bluffing. If they really are *that* upset then calling the police is likely the best thing to set them straight on who does or does not need a permit.
I love that banner photgraph again. You should collect all your banner photos and post them as one blog. The man who wanted to take your camera probably had something to hide, me thinks!
Watch out! We're always up at 6:00 here, even Sundays. I just might slip out to North Beach sometime.
I spent the first six weeks of my life at Lombard & Leavenworth and my family went back to the other side of town a lot. Many brunches at Mama's and dinners at the old US restaurant.
Yeah, North Beach is so fun... I'm more apt to meet you at Tosca's for a White Nun but I don't think they're open in the morning.
My favorite tiles in North Beach is the floor at City Lights before the stairs to the Beat Poetry section upstairs.
Shot no. 1 is pretty funny. When you scroll up and down, it "moves" Neat optical illusion!
OK, several things. First, when I initially saw your post I didn't say anything because all I could think of saying was "eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwww, gross!" because of the last shot with the hand. you gotta admit it's pretty well done and right on time for Halloween, too!
As to the story you reported once or twice before, i believe Bright and early on New Year's Day about 5 years ago, the bartender at Columbus Cafe came outside and hassled me for taking photos of his dirty stinking dive. He wanted to confiscate my camera and everything. I think he just wanted to mess with me. I'd rather not run into that jerk again, so like I mentioned -- I steer clear of the 500 block of Green Street .
Now get this -- the bartender wanted to see my "permit" to take pictures, and when I couldn't produce a permit he said he was going to have to confiscate my camera... "
I'm not 100% sure, but I think you have the right to shoot whatever you want in the street. Where it gets tricky is if you shoot from the outside in, with a lens.
Still, I'm pretty sure he CANNOT confiscate your camera, not even sure he has the right to ask you for anything.
Maybe that guy's got something to hide? In which case it's a good idea to clear out of the way anyway. My .02.
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