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photo by Donald Kinney
When I was a teenager (oh so many years ago) entering my photos in the Monterey County Fair was something I worked towards all year. I was competing against adults and most of them had equipment far better than mine, but I gave it my all and even was awarded a third prize one year for a cute shot of my little cousin.
Last year, after oohing and aahing at all the nice work at our Marin County Fair, I decided that -- "hey, maybe next year I'll give it a try".
A few days ago I received an e-mail from a person I used to work with at the art supply store -- they had been volunteering as a helper during the hanging and judging process and they were kind enough to sneak a photo and give me some advance warning that this photo had won Special Award for Journalism and a big green ribbon.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
There were so many submissions this year that only about 25 percent of the photos submitted got selected to be hung, but I somehow managed to have four out of my six entries selected. I think if I had included two shots from the Lagunitas Creek I may have gotten all six entries hung. Yeah, I know, brag, brag, brag...
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
I've got a photo-buddy in Ohio (a real pro) who is very picky about what he photographs -- he doesn't care for sunrises and sunsets, so I've been working on him to turn his views around. Mine was the only sunrise (or sunset) print that got hung this year but I think sunrises and sunsets are definitely valid subject matter.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
I don't know what I was thinking when I chose this photo to submit -- it's technical quality really isn't all that good -- but you can definitely see what it is from quite a distance. It's the window sign for a trendy botique on San Francisco's Haight Street.
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(((I made this a couple years ago using Abobe Flash)))
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Congrats on the award - excellent!
What a treat to see your photos at the fair today, after receiving your comment earlier in the day. The prints look amazing, much more vibrant and moving in person than on the computer screen. The peace sign sunset print made my little black heart ache with envy and desire. Great work all the way around! You absolutely deserve to brag a bit about your work. Thank you for enlightening me.
Maybe a sunrise/sunset is just too easy it seems. But I don't think it is. Yours are always spectacular. The nature of one is spectacular, but capturing even a glimpse of what it really looks like takes a bit of talent.
Congrats on 4 out of 6. Great odds! (And you have bragging rights.)
THANKS BRAD -- I think we have a "mutual admiration society going on here... And hey everybody, you should head over to Brad's site and buy his magazine -- it's a collector's item, 'fer sure...
AND HI RHETT -- Great to make contact with you -- oh brave "film" user... Great shot of you on Flickr standing in front of your print -- it's a treasure...
AND HI LOUISE -- I've got to go check NOAA and see if there might be a possibility that are some clouds in the sky for an interesting sunrise... You just never know -- I've got this theory that half of doing photography is just "being there"... Thanks again, and I'll try hard to live up to the compliments...
Thanks... although I'm not certain that bravery comes into it... I just seem to be luckier with film. If I could get the results you do with digital, I'd use digital. Anyway, as to sunsets... people love to look at them for a reason. They're not a cheat. In fact, they're darned hard to shoot. You've done a brilliant job. Thank you.
Whoot whoot....congratulations, way to go. Bragging rights are well deserved. Love your work and you deserve the ribbons.
Congratulations dear Donald! :-)
Ah, that is the post I was looking for!! Belated congratulations! :)
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