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photo by Donald Kinney
The George Cassar sign has outlasted the business by several decades, but if you needed your tinkle-tinkle piano hoisted through the window of your fifth story apartment in the Roaring-Twenties, George would have been the Hoister to hire.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Nobody stops to marvel at how the City is electrified. It's amazing!
And fresh water is squished through pipes -- some pipes safer than others -- and foul waste-water is mysteriously flushed to what was never officially named; the George W. Bush Sewage Treatment Plant at the end of Ocean Beach.
If you've ever wanted to feel like a sardine in a can, just climb on MUNI at rush-hour.
San Francisco has two snazzy underground transit systems, one local and another an underwater train tube to Oakland and beyond. San Francisco has three bridges, or seven -- depending on how many fingers you want to use.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
I always rely on S.F. Mike's reviews on current happenings at the Symphony Hall, Opera House and other Civic Center venues.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
And while homeless people go hungry and un-tended,
and businesses pull out of the City and State in droves because they cannot afford to do business here,
at least San Francisco looks pretty...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
I've seen guys hoist a piano in Italy a couple of years ago (in one of these little, narrow streets). Might still have a picture of it somewhere on my HD, actually, I'll look. They used to hoist furnitures in Paris as well because the stairs and the apartments doors in the old buildings were way too narrow to let in large furniture, such as these massive wooden "armoires."
As to San Francisco, don't forget the shoppers, too, aren't very happy about extremely expensive parking. Unfortunately, the trend is spreading to the East Bay as well, but San Francisco probably takes the cake when it comes to stupid city ordinances, don't get me started :( Yet, it's still our beloved "city by the Bay!"
I don't believe I've ever seen a sign for a piano hoister.
And yes, the city is pretty. The last photo is a masterpiece. I'm usually more a fan of wildflowers than those like shown in the photo, but the colors really set off the rest of the capture.
Donald, love that image of the old sign. Wish the city would document them all; they are so special. Love your blog, never know what content I will get, and I am always pleasantly surprised and rewarded.
I've been here. Tried photographing, but never got anything I wanted to post. The residents must be used to photographers walking around for pix, eh?
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