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photo by Donald Kinney
On Sunday afternoon I was walking around the Mission District and stumbled on the San Francisco Symphony giving a concert outdoors in Dolores Park. This tuba player was giving tuba demonstrations to kids of all ages.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Call me a pig -- or compliment me on my fine taste in women -- but I noticed a lot of very pretty and apparently unattached young ladies at the park. Too bad I'm so shy...
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Wish I could have stuck around to hear these guys strike up a tune someplace on Mission Street, but I had some more streets to cover.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Everybody loves a dog, and every dog loves everybody...
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
There's a variety of slightly hidden artists lofts and little businesses tucked away on side streets of the Mission District. I haven't a clue what Koo-Koo makes or does, but I bet it'd be fun working there. No need to leave my mind -- I've never had one to leave...
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
When I spot a Girafa I try to get a shot, then check the Master Data Base of Girafas produced by our good friends Plug1 and Plug2. I thought I might have discovered a new Girafa, but no, Plug1 already snagged it when it was parked down at Pier 27 on the Embarcadero.
I've shot the van before myself, about three months ago when it was parked down by Fort Mason.
On Sunday the van was parked on Woodward just off 14th, ((( photo above ))) in the Mission. Girafa gets around...
CLICK to see another photo of Girafa -- Girafa behind bars -- I found on the fringes of the Tenderloin a week or two ago. I scooped Plug1 with this one, but of course I've already given him the heads-up on the Girafa Tip Line.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
that second photo is fantastic! and the 1st. and the 3rd. and the 4th. but really, the 2nd is my favorite.
HEY PLUG1 -- Mine too...
I've never experienced Girafa.
A pig? Listen, if I had a body like that and was lying with barely any covering, I certainly wouldn't be expecting people to look the other way. I doubt she was expecting that, either. Who wouldn't look at that? (I'm a heterosexual female and have no problem appreciating the photo.)
I would be interested in the music eventually produced in the next photo, but I probably would have grown impatient hanging around.
Heh, I guess it would have been pretty lame to ask her if she's read any good books lately...
Personally I like the girl's shot best (does that make me a pig, too, then? OK, then that explains the lingering swine-flu symptoms, uh, oink ;)
Seriously, I really do like that shot best. I especially like that you can't see her face, so it could be anybody (nope, wasn't me, though! ;)
You can do all kinds of great photo stuff with the human body, depending on the positions of the legs or whatever. Remember this photograph?
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