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photo by Donald Kinney
Next door to you or me might not be the best place for a facility that renders down the contents of restaurant grease-traps, so that's why Darling International ((( gotta love that name ))) makes it's home way out on Amador Avenue, in the Dogpatch area of San Francisco.
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photo by Donald Kinney
After the economy turns really sour, I'm heading for this little yellow plywood shack -- I think it might be quite nice if I just push all of the garbage and junk out the front door...
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photo by Donald Kinney
I get the feeling that the business of off-loading sand and gravel from boats and barges has slowed in recent years. Apparently there must have been good money to be made in sand and gravel, but probably not so much today...
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photo by Donald Kinney
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Looks like a Rube Goldberg invention - where do you start the little ball?
Great industrial images. One of my favorites to take. Mainly because I get to wander around inside looking for images.
The photo of the beach is great.
I like industrial shots a lot. Maybe it's 21st century expressionism or something.
As to the beach shot, above, well, I tried to take a similar one Saturday, but unfortunately for me, I was too busy looking into the camera to notice the wave was coming back ... long story short, never turn your back to the ocean unless you want to walk home with wet shoes, socks and pants! ;)
Hello Donald,
To be honest I do not feel good at such industrial sites but photographically I think your shots are nice and aesthetic, especially the first one.
Best regards,
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