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photo by Donald Kinney
That's Black Sands Beach way down there -- you can only see part of it in this photo. Quite a hike down there, and even more challenging on the way back up. On a warm weekend Black Sands Beach is thick with nude sunbathers -- so be forewarned -- bring sunscreeen...
I took that first photo (above) a few days ago, but the following six photos were shot over two years ago with my old camera. They aren't of the highest resolution, but I think they'll do...
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photo by Donald Kinney
Even in these days of modern transportation a lot of stuff still gets barged in and out of the Golden Gate. I guess it's still the most economical way.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Some days it's quite a light show out on the Golden Gate... The water looks fairly placid in this shot, but it's often choppy in this area -- boaters call it the potato patch.
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photo by Donald Kinney
That little thing in the center is the light-station out there by Land's End.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Another delivery of oil for the Bay Area. They say we're addicted.
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photo by Donald Kinney
The Marin Headlands has been a strategic defensive position going all the way back to -- believe it or not -- the Civil War.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Oh, I suppose these days ships have radar and GPS to keep them out of trouble, but I don't think lighthouses are going away any time soon.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Hi don,
Can visit you blog for a short while ( still no PC) buyt I like all of your photo's here, very impressive that how I like photography, you are working a lot wiyth macro lenses right?
Please, visit my blog to see the 1th out of a serie from photo's, I am going to show on a exibition , wich is coming soon:)
OH HI JOANNE -- Hope you get your computer problem sorted out -- keep in mind that I recommended a Mac (life, for me, without Windows is awesome)...
And I'm using extension-tubes with my 70-200 "L" zoom... I find they work fine and are cheaper than investing in another lens -- those macros can get expensive...
Beautiful pictures Don. I love the fog hanging off in the distance. Your shots are so different from the usual ones I see of the City gateways and ocean vistas. Really love your work.
Gorgeous light. Nothing better than a little fog or cloud with the sun poking through.
Thanks for sharing.
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