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photo by Donald Kinney
It must be a very BIG world for this little bug...
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photo by Donald Kinney
This is ice-plant -- very common out here on the west-coast. It'll grow where other plants won't, and is used extensively as a soil-retainer on steep slopes. It requires very little water and even less maintenance. Many of our roads and freeways are lined with it.
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photo by Donald Kinney
This is the large variety, but there is a miniature variety also. The waterfront of my old hometown, Pacific Grove, is lined with the miniature variety. I don't have a photo, so you're going to have to take my word for it that it puts on quite a display of color with it's densely packed blossoms.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Lovely crisp images! Very nice.
A bank of lavender iceplant almost hurts the eyes. Its so irridescent. People on my tour groups were always fascinated by the color. I guess they don't have it like we do on the west coast.
Love the tiny bug looking at hisbig world.
Hard to believe something so delicate and lovely could be so utilitarian! Love the fronds in the header, too! Gorgeous!!
I never knew their names, pretty cool! Yes, I see them along the freeways all the time, especially the pink ones. They look great close up!
HI MARY -- Oh, I remember you from Skywatch Friday -- love your artwork by the way...
HI PHOTOWANNASUE -- Yep, I've heard folks oooh and aaah when they see vast carpets of the stuff, especially the miniature variety... Right after WW2 a man by the name of Berwick and some Boy Scouts started planting iceplant along the waterfront, and today it makes quite a statement...
HI DEBORAH -- Yup, delicate and lovely and utilitarian... Maybe there IS a God...
HI TOMATE FARCIE -- Yeah, the ice-plant is about the only good thing I can think of about freeways...
I always mistakenly call them iceberg plants for some reason. Love when they are in bloom.
I'll be on the look out for the miniature variety, didn't know there was such a thing.
I love ice plants; I have one in my garden and it is maybe going to be out-of-control this year. It's hard to tell, but yours look like they have big blooms. How big ARE they? Mine are tiny (they match the pink one of yours for color), but in Bermuda, I saw some that looked just like mine only the blooms were 3" across. The plants were like a carpet near some rocky shores. Your blooms look that big, but it could just be the way your photographed them.
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