click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
A couple days ago after being cooped up here at "Kittyland" I started coming down with a bad case of cabin-fever. Fortuntely I noticed a little break in the weather (it's been raining cats-and-dogs here in California), so I got in the car and headed out to one of my favorite places -- China Camp.
Oh, I wasn't expecting to get any photos, as is sometimes the case when I go out to China Camp, but it's a peaceful get-away -- although the busy little metropolis of San Rafael is just over the hill.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
I noticed the deer (in the second photo) watching something with rapt attention. While snapping it, another deer came bounding over the hill, and at first I thought something had spooked it, but after a few seconds of this I figured out that the deer was just running around and having a good time. I had no idea deer did this sort of play -- they generally are SO serious...
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
So, yesterday I came down with a relapse of cabin-fever, so despite a drizzle I got in the car and went back out to China Camp. This Blue Heron was just standing there in the rain (you can almost see the rain in the larger image), and it allowed me to get a bit closer than they normally do.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
The deer are terrific. The heron is impressive. They NEVER let me get close. In fact, they usually see me first (because I'm not really expecting them to be around), and fly away as I'm fumbling to turn on my camera!
Maybe the deer had "cabin fever" too and needed a good romp through the grass. Its been raining and blah since i took the blossom pictures the other day. I hope they don't get completely knocked off the branches. I want the yummy fruit this summer.
Don't know what happened to my blog site this morning. it is blank. the only way I could see my last posting was to go to my archives. Don't know what to do but my brain doesn't want to wrap itself around it this morning.
Ok, I'm done moaning...LOL
(Photowannabe: I just left you a message. I could see your blog just fine, the first time, but when I reloaded, I got a blank page too. I wouldn't worry about it, though, probably a Blogger thing, should be back online in no time.)
Wow, that's some long neck on that bird! I've never seen one really close-up! The dear like to play when they're little. I've seen them do that before. Pretty cool stuff!
I'm sorry, I meant "the deer" like to play.
Nice wildlife images Don!
Our whitetails here in the east play a great deal. Oft times a whole herd will flip up their tails and run in circles at breakneck speed, old and young alike. They tend to do this when they are totally relaxed and not concerned about danger.
Those GB Herons are such impressive birds, you captured great detail in your image.
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