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photo by Donald Kinney
With oil spills, polution, and fluctuations in the food supply, being a bird or duck can't be the easiest job on the planet... But if I had to wear feathers I think a perfect place to live would be the Marin Headlands, within spitting distance of the Golden Gate Bridge.
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photo by Donald Kinney
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There was a cool article about birding in the San Francisco Bay Area in the Chronicle the other day. Here you go, if I did the HTML right:
San Francisco is a bird watcher's paradise
I think you're right. How fun to fly through the spray of waves breaking on the rocks!
A perfect smorgesbord for our feathered friends.
Yeh Don, I'm sorry to say both Hubby and I are in the clutches of the Flu. its miserable and the main reason I haven't been blogging for days. It takes all my energy to just sit here and type. So....I think I've had enough and will go and just veg in my favorite chair. I liked your use of "F's" in your comment. It gave me a much needed smile.
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