- - - if you don't tell me to stop, I'll have more tomorrow - - -
A huge crowd flocked to San Fancisco yesterday to protest the brutal teatment and killing of innocents in Tibet. At this point, the Olympic Torch is nothing more a symbol of China's oppression and covered-up murder on the peaceful citizens of Tibet. The protest was large, loud, colorful, intense and angry -- but it was quite civilized, and it seemed like everybody was having a good time, while throwing a political fit at the same time... Bless Asian Americans...
Just kidding. I was hoping you'd post right away.
More, please! :)
PS I understand why an alternative route may have been "the right thing to do" but I can't help feeling incredibly let down by the whole thing. Some of the people there had actually lined up early just to see Olympic torch come through, believe it or not.
As to the "last minute" explanation they broadcast on KPIX last night, I'm sorry but I don't really buy it. OK, I'll shut up now;)
Yes, Tomate Farcie, the last minute switch (although I'm sure they had it planned for weeks) was a definite slap in the face of the Olympic supporters, many who had travelled great distances to be there.
But in a way it was a victory for "us" -- our power and might brought them to their knees and they went running... Mark that up as a victory for "our" side.
It's a shame that the Olympics should be a symbol of politics, but it's also pretty obvious that the Olympics is a device for corportate greed... Anyway, that's just the way I think about it.
So what does the Olympics have to do with Tibet? I mean I realize that China and Tibet have problems...but taking it out on the Olympics? That's like saying "I can't stand sweat shops so I'm going to take my BB gun the the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. The two things are linked by a small thread, but the any reasonable person will realize that screwing with the Olympics is only going to do one thing - make a lot of people hate you.
Thanks for the pics. The girl in the first one looks really cute, beyond that I just yawned. If you have any more pictures of cute protesters I say go ahead and publish them. Elsewise, I'm happy with your trees, lakes and birds.
I agree with you that the Olympics shouldn't have anything to do with politics, however the only reason China was given the opportunity to host the Olympics was their explicit promise to the I.O.C. that they would clean up their terrible record of human rights abuses. They haven't -- the abuses continue and are getting worse. China is trying their best to keep it a secret so that's why you probably haven't heard much. But protesting against China at this particular time focuses intense world pressure on China to get it's act together in the human rights department.
Tibet might not be important to you, Sean, but it sure was to each of the thousands of protesters in San Francisco, young and old. They have relatives suffering in Tibet at the hands of an opressive regeim. There is hope for change -- pressure and worldwide shame is a valid way of changing things. How else are you supposed to try to effect change in a country that isn't a democracy?
I just moved back to CA after three years in very republican Idaho. I'm surprised I know anything. (-:
I don't know how you create a change in Tibet, but for as long as I can remember people have been saying "Free Tibet" and it doesn't seem to be working. I don't know if more protesting is really going to help. China (much like a current president of the US) doesn't seem to be all that concerned about looking bad in the press or looking shameful. Americans still buy iPods made in China. I think if we are ever to really hit China hard it will have to be in their wallet, not with shame. Some people and some countries are without shame.
Hi Sean,
Thanks for the honest reply. And welcome back from Idaho -- as you know, it's truly a black-hole when it comes to open minds... It must feel refreshing to be back in California.
But just because the "Free Tibet" bumper sticker campaign doesn't seem to be working is no reason to roll-over-and-die.
Like you said, hitting them in the pocketbook would be the best way to make an impact, but the sad fact is that China already "owns" us. If they were to call in our debts it would certainly destroy our economy. Our money is based on faith in a dollar that isn't backed up by anything other than a promise. If China wanted to put a squeeze on us, our prosperous economy would screetch to a halt.
But right now it's a symbiotic relationship -- China needs us to keep buying their goods, and we need China because we need what they make. American manufacturers can't compete with a tyrany that has moved into power by makaing slaves out of their own people.
Since the United States is in no position to put an economic squeeze on China -- the next best thing is to loudly protest so that even the closed minds in Utah might begin to realize that China continues to kill and opress the gentle and peace-loving souls in Tibet.
I know that the protests might seem futile and just a lot of hot-air, but bringing awareness to compassionate Americans (and the world) is about the only route availble. Public awareness IS increasing -- and peaceful protest is an honorable way of accomplishing our goals.
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