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photo by Donald Kinney
California Poppies are popping out all over, and admirers say they haven't seen such an incredible display in years... And everybody has their own theory -- but I don't quite know who to believe... Someone I know has a theory that whenever wildflowers put on such a show it means that they already know somehow that next winter and spring is going to be especially harsh -- they have an ingenious way of knowing what's coming... Their intentions are to sow as many seeds as possible now, so their offspring will have a better chance of survival... Got a theory? Lets hear it...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
No theory but I love California Poppies. I passed a large field of them yesterday but there was too much traffic to get a picture. That happens so often, great subject but no way to take a picture.
My theory it is whenever we are facing a huge budget crisis in CA the Poppys come out because instinctively they know that once the Govonator scraps all unnessesary landscaping there will be no one to plant and maintain poppys - so they need to get their seeds out now to counter balance the shrinking budget.
Can you tell I work for a government agency?
I love the Poppy's as well. I agree with Photo Wannabe - often times I see great bunches of them but I can't slow down to get the shot. Oh well. /that's what I have you for.
Good one Sean...
Now don't get me started on our "Governator" -- but I think it's time to do the same thing we did to Davis... Of course it's not all his fault, but he wanted to be the "big guy" in charge...
something closer to a "real" answer is that this year is a better year for the poppies, so they send out more flowers (and more seeds) so that they have a better chance of surviving in the future years, when it might be harsh. :) i love botany and ecology. i like the idea about budged crisis in CA too though. most amusing.
Theory? I'll go with "favorable climate?" Can't think of anything else.
Oh cool -- I think Melinda and Tomate Farcie are the closest to the truth in what's actually going on.
Sure wish the wind would die down a bit so I could get some more shots. I came home with two ticks on me on my last outing -- they were getting ready to start sucking blood. In past years I've used rubber bands to seal my pants legs shut, but still, they usually manage to find a way to climb on-board. Always a good idea to check carefully for their presense before letting too much time go by after having been out in their fields. I don't know if the ones around here carry Lyme (spelling?) Disease, but that's not a good thing to catch!
Ditto: photowannabe
My comment: WOW
It's rare to desaturate, I can't remember the last time I had to do that.
Great photograph.
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