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photo by Donald Kinney
Usually during the day what I have available to photograph are the normal things--birds, ducks, hills, trees, water, wildflowers, and stuff like that... But if I make a little effort and haul my sorry-butt out of bed in time, I have a chance at capturing the s u n r i s e .

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photo by Donald Kinney
Okay. Here's your digital photography lesson that ought to hold you in good stead. Over-exposure is our enemy--slight under-exposures can be fixed, preferably images captured in RAW with programs like Photoshop. Normally I would have stretched the high-levels farther over so they touch (but don't bunch-up) on the right side of the Histogram scale.

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photo by Donald Kinney
Sometimes images go undiscovered until the photographer sees them in the viewfinder. I used this discovery technique at my favorite patch of last year's Yarrow. A transplant from Outer-Space, if I ever saw one...
CLICK for the very "best" of my work on my photo website.
Thank you for the sermon Reverand Don of the Church of the Histogram. Us sinners need to be reminded at times.
Hi SINBAD'S DAD (JOHN) -- Amen to that, brother...
Love the Yarrow, under or over exposed it looks great to me.
As usual, amazing captures of you. The sky looks like a painting. :D
Dog Fence
Beautiful work - love your project
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