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photo by Donald Kinney
Oh far out... Another excuse to use "plethora", as in the plethora of deer that come to visit me on a regular basis. Oh, I suppose they don't come to visit me--but shooting behind a rather filthy window I'm usually tolerable.
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photo by Donald Kinney
We have Mama-One-Fawn shown above, and we also have Mama-Two-Fawns, but just a week or so my neighbor and I noticed another mother deer with one very small fawn, a real newbie--about half the size of the other fawns. I didn't realize deer had offspring this late in the year.
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photo by Donald Kinney
That's my neighbor's cat, Violet, who is VERY interested our visitors. Yet I am in error to call these deer "visitors". They were here long before we made a mess of things. I suppose, to the deer, we are mere curiosities. Very curious; people, indeed...
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This season we've had a doe with her twins come by so frequently, like every day and sometimes twice a day. Then one day we saw two does both with twins together in the yard. Aha! That was why such frequent sightings. I feel like we live in a Disney movie.
Maybe they think you are just a strange form of deer - with two legs and a big weird thing around your neck? Violet probably is planning how to hunt deer, forgetting that they are 4 times her size and a lot faster. But nature calls, even in domesticated cats.
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