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photo by Donald Kinney
Meet Mr. Frisbie... Probably just your typical San Francisco goof, but there's no doubt about a guy who carries a bag full of Frisbies -- this guy is into tossing Frisbies, seriously. Here he was throwing the Frisbie as a boomerang -- doing a little dance while he waited for the Frisbie to return.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Throwing boomerang Frisbies at sunset -- doesn't get much better than this.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
The sun comes up and the sun goes down, usually with a bit of beauty.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Hope everybody has a great day and gets to snag a few colors today. Sunrise and sunset -- weather permitting, it happens most every day.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Very nice photos. I like it! :-)
Have a nice day!
Greetings from Sweden!
Picture #2 is a winner. You made the comment to me about the camera coming back to bite you, it did so again to me yesterday. It wouldn't work at all giving me an error code I could not figure out. This was only after I was a mile out on the trail. I finally had to call home, have my wife look it up in the owners manual which I finally resolved. I am not too proud to post my silly foul-ups in my blog, but this one here I draw the line. I share it with you only, just to make your day. Another lesson learned...I hope.
You did run across a great find with this one. I love the horizontal collage you did of him and his dance. Beautiful sunsets, and if you've ever visited my blog on a Sunset Sunday, you know how I love sunsets.
Thanks KENNETH for the compliment, and SINBAD'S DAD -- yeah, I like the second image (with the sun) better than the first now... And as for photo mistakes, I'll admit to my biggest flub -- I was about 13 years old and had taken photos of all the Sunday School classes. I developed the film myself -- only the second roll I had ever developed and immersed the film into the Fixer (hypo) first instead of the Developer... What resulted was the undeveloped emulsion washed away... I had to do a re-shoot the next Sunday and some of the kids were a bit grumpy because they had to go through the ordeal twice...
Hi SCOTT -- Yeah, I have dropped by your blog for Sunset Sunday... Actually, I'm partial to sunrises -- I'll take a sunrise over a sunset any day of the week... --Just my personal opinion, but then I usually have no problem with getting up early...
Love the water patterns and the out-going tide with the frisbee man. Really good stuff Don.
I'm getting antsy to do some shooting again. Haven't done anything but holiday "snapshots" for a while. Time to get serious again.
fabulous pictures!!!
lovely,lovely,lovely blog!
My Dearest Donald: It's "frisbee," not "frisbie." And the photos are beyond fantastic. The winter coastal light lately has been just un-effing-believable and as usual you've captured it. Thanks again for all your work.
the first shot is definitely a "wow" moment for me, but it's a fun series.
I really like the little series / collage with the guy throwing the frisbie
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