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photo by Donald Kinney
Okay, I'll admit it -- this blog, my DailyDuo, and what I call my "big" site have become a bit of an obsession in my life... Not that I "have" a life -- hey this is Donald Kinney I'm talking about here. If you are interested, then continue reading.
I am an extremely fortunate individual -- I was able to retire ten years ago at age 53 because of the hard work and dedication of my parents. No more punching a time clock for me. No more swimming in huge vats of the paint I used to manufacture. No more dealing with wacky fellow employees, bosses, or customers who were always out for that little bit of something extra for free. Believe me, it's a WONDERFUL feeling to wake up in the morning and realize that I don't have to go to work.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
But then, in the morning the panic sets in -- I realize that I had better get busy and go find some "stuff" to shoot. Everything on this blog is new, unless otherwise noted.
So, off I go in search of something that catches my interest -- oh, I have a few spots that I can generally rely on for a "potential keeper" or two.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
I should probably keep this a secret, but where I live, Marin County (just north of San Francisco) is one of the most beautiful areas in the State of California. Finding photos is about as easy as falling off a log. I feel it's my DUTY to get out there and find them so you can see just how beautiful this area is. As I mentioned, I am a VERY lucky guy...
My dream is that more people will buy my photos -- haven't sold one in about a year now. Oh, I understand -- I'd like to buy prints from some of my favorite photographers too, but I've got to be kind of careful about how I spend money these days. Who knows what a dollar is going to be worth in a few years...
My other dream is that eventually I will get some sort of public recognition for my photography. Problem is that there's a whole slew of photographers out there who are MUCH better than me. About all I can do is dream and keep snapping away. You're welcome to come along for the ride.
CLICK to visit my Daily-Duo.
CLICK to visit KittyBLOG -- the daily doings of my cat.
CLICK for what I call my BIG site.
Your comments are invited and welcome.
I love fog shots as the background disappears into white nothingness.
Well Don, I wish I could buy a passel of your pictures too but talk about tight money...Mine is nonexistent.
We love our retired life too. Doing things on our own schedule is the very best. Actually, in another hour we are meeting our son and family and going on a photo shoot to the Napa area. Hope I can get some decent shots. As I said recently, I haven't done much shooting lately.
I would love to sell some of my shots too or some of the handmade photo notecards I make. It seems I'm always just behind what people want. No one sends cards like they used to. Oh well, I still give them as gifts and do get some pleasure from it.
Have a great weekend.
Happy clicking.
My sentinments exactly. You became free 2 years before I did. Working for the government under the Civil Service Act set me free at 55. Seven years later the horror of it all sometimes flashes across my mind as I am enjoying my freedom and I just smile, for the dreams I had are now reality. Now, I may differ about Marin and argue in favor of Sonoma County but hey, at this point in our lives who needs to argue? We're two very lucky guys.
Actually, there's nobody who is MUCH better than you at photography. Have a show and I'll come and buy a photo though I don't have any money either.
Well my friend, you're life is rich in ways not measurable in monetary terms. And regardless of whether you have a formal art show or not, you provide an organized show for us every single day on aphotoaday. And I thank you for that.
As you know, I'm a California wanna-be, and I learn something new all the time from your posts. And even though I can't be there often, I feel "in touch" from what I see and read on your blog. You have helped me immensely in many ways (that I won't list here). And I thank you for that too.
No human has ever opened their door more willingly than you, welcoming me each and every time I visit my beloved California.
Well I'm enjoying your photography ride! You are lucky Donald, and I, for one, am glad you're spending your time this way. I hope you're also submitting your photos wherever you can. I'm sure the recognition will come.
ps - love the 'foggy' shots - I've always loved fog.
Well I'm enjoying your photography ride! You are lucky Donald, and I, for one, am glad you're spending your time this way. I hope you're also submitting your photos wherever you can. I'm sure the recognition will come.
ps - love the 'foggy' shots - I've always loved fog.
Thanks SCOTT -- I like how you expressed that; "disappearing into nothingness...
Thanks as usual PHOTOWANNABE SUE -- you are definitely one of my most steadfast and longlasting buddies. I hope you got some good shots in Napa. Saturday was kind of a cloudy and ominous day over here on the coast. Hope the ins and outs of life is not any worse than you have hinted.
And yes SINBAD'S DAD, we are indeed lucky -- I think the first thing on our lists would be our cats. Aren't fleas terrible this year?
And SFMIKE -- I also truly appreciate your steadfast support. I think I lost a good chunk of my audience the other day when I expressed my First Ammendment rights with my controversial take on the lies our government has fed us regarding 9-11.
And thanks JAN BELL (Mr. Anonymous) -- my door is always open -- hope to see you in April. Always a blast. (((Jan has taught me a whole lot about photography)))
And thanks JENNIFER -- really appreciate your comments. And yes, I submitted my "body of work" (((reflections and ripples in the Lagunitas Creek))) to the entry program at SF MOMA's Artist's Gallery (((located at Fort Mason))). If my stuff goes over well it may be great opportunity... Even if they reject me they are going to critique my efforts. Probably won't hear anything from them for a few more months. I've got my fingers crossed, as it wold be a great way for me to break into the somewhat snobby art scene. (((I have a pair of rubber boots)))
Thanks again, all, and thanks for bearing with me.
I don't think Marin County is a secret, in fact that is probably why real estate is so expensive overall in Marin (that and the proximity to SF) but really, I think everyone knows about the beauty of the land...
As to purchasing a print, I would have done that a long time ago but I just have to be careful these days, enuff said :(
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